11 October 2011

Find Information about an IP Address

In one of my latest posts, I told you how to find the IP address of a mail sender in Yahoo. Do you want to know the owner of the IP address, the country or state name? Even contact information? If your answer is yes, then you have two options, use special software or check the IP address online through the Internet.

IPNetInfo is a utility and freeware software that you can use to find all the information about an IP address. You can also check multiple IP address at a same time.
If you need to see the details about a particular IP address of an email sender, simply copy the whole message header file and paste it into the IPNetInfo. It will automatically show you information about the IP address or IP addresses. Download the IPNetInfo from the link below:

IPNetInfo v1.37 (49.1Kb)

Anoter way to get detailed information about an IP address is using online services. There are lots of websites on the Internet that you can use to get information about a particular IP address/s. But before I tell about these websites, let me show you how to find your own IP address with the help of Windows Command prompt.

1. Go to Start>Run>cmd>Enter

2. In cmd window type netstat -n (with space) and press Enter.

Now what are you seeing is a list of all active connections and IP addresses in four fields and four columns. The Local Address Field is your IP address and the Foreign Address field shows the IP numbers of the sites or people to whom you are connected.
If instead of netstat -n enter netstat -nab, you can see what programs are being used to connect to those IP addresses. Another alternative to find your own IP address is to type ipconfig in CMD.


To find an associated DNS with a static IP address (Static IP addresses are permanent and assigned to the user systems by their Internet Service Provider or ISP, Dynamic IP addresses are changed whenever the users connected to the Internet), then enter the command below in CMD:

ping -a [IP address]

like ping -a

What you get after that is the first Domain name that connected with the IP address. You can use this domain name in Whois online service to get the detailed data about the domain name. But if you don't have the linked domain name for an IP address, you can still use Whois tools. Some websites only offer services for Domain names only and some offers for both Domain name and IP address. Below are the links of some sites that give you information about Domain name or IP address:


For more sites, just Google search for Whois, IP tracer or IP Locator.

Note: The information that you get from a particular IP address depends on the ISP that the owner of the IP address uses it. So depend on that and the company or user owner, you can get information about the email address, street address or contact number.