11 April 2012

The New Google+ Improvements

Yesterday Google announced the new version of the social media, Google+. So many changes have made and more improvements will be there in next few days. Static icons at the top of the stream collected in a dynamic ribbon of application on the left side of the page. You can change the order of application simply by dragging and dropping the icons.
A new Explore icon also added to the collection to check the hot and interesting topics that users share on the Google+. According to the Google more features will be added later to the applications, so stay tuned. Now accessing and sharing photos, videos and links are much easier as the Google added new updates like full bleed photos and videos, stream of conversation cards and an activity drawer. You can share and see bigger pictures with more quality, explore photo albums and videos and find the community around your content. The hanging out or live video chat has its own page that you can meet new people across the globe and share your thoughts with them or listen to what they say. The chat list has moved to the right panel like Facebook that shows you who is online or available to chat in your circles. I think the new look is really interesting and exciting. Let see what more upgrades will come in the next few days.

More than 170 million people have upgraded to Google+, enjoying new ways to share in Search, Gmail, YouTube and lots of other places. It's still early days, and there’s plenty left to do, but we're more excited than ever to build a seamless social experience, all across Google.