20 November 2013

Increase Your Internet Speed by Finding the Fastest DNS Server

Although these days we are seeing the growing of high speed internet service providers but still there are some users over the internet that don’t have access to such services. If you are among such users and suffer from the low speed internet connectivity, you can use some utility tools and configuration to speed up your Internet. The trick we are going to show you today is, that how to find the fastest available DNS Sever for your IP address and then use it to increase the Internet speed. But before we start let talk about what is a DNS Server?

Domain Name System

Domain Name System or DNS determines the name of the computers that are connected to the Internet. It translates the host and domain names to IP addresses. What we mean by domain name is the actual address of a site when we enter in our web browser like www.yahoo.com or yahoo.com. As the million of computers have connected to the Internet we need a protocol to manage the entire domain and host name.

The DNS is a hierarchical domain based and distributed database for implementing the naming schema of the host in the Internet. It maps a name to the corresponding IP address by passing the host name to the resolver that sends the packet to local DNS and returns the IP address related with the data packet.

Each and every website has a unique IP address associated with it that can be used to open the site. But remembering the IP addresses is difficult and here is when the DNS comes to rescue. It simply converts or translates the human friendly host names (like google.com) into their unique IP addresses.

Increase your Internet speed by finding the fastest available DNS Server

When you enter a website address in a web browser, the browser first sends the host name to a DNS server and then when the host name converted to an IP address the loading process of the website starts. For any geographical location on the earth there exist different DNS servers. If a DNS server has a low performance speed then the process of the translating the host name to IP address will take much longer and this in result causes the website takes more time to load. To find the faster available DNS server in your area and use those for best surfing experience follow the steps below:

Step 1

Before anything go to the link below and download and unzip the namebench application. The namebench is an open source and free program that is available on the Google project. It is a DNS utility that hunts down the fastest DNS servers using your web browser history, tcpdump output and standardized database.

namebench v1.3.1 for Windows (5.0MB)

namebench v1.3.1 for Mac (1.3MB)

Step 2

During the installation make sure that the "Include global DNS provider" and "Include best available regional DNS services" are selected and also choose your Location. Close all the opened applications that currently using your Internet connection such as web browsers download managers, and antivirus. After that click on the Start Benchmark button and the application starts finding the fastest DNS server. It is better not to use the Internet during this process for getting the best results.

Step 3

According to your Internet service provider or ISP, the namebench will try to find the faster DNS servers (if available) then it shows the first three recommended configuration. 

Go to the Windows Control Panel>Network and Sharing Center>Change adapter settings. Right-click on your system adapter icon or Local Area Connection and from the menu, select the Properties. In the Properties window, click on the "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and choose the Properties. 

Step 4

In the next window, select the "Use the following DNS server addresses" and enter the first two DNS addresses that were found by the namebench. OK all windows and exit from the Control Panel. Open your web browser and try any web page loading time by entering its address. To go back to the previous or default DNS settings, you can simply delete the entered addresses and select the "Obtain DNS server address automatically" option.