9 January 2012

Basic Computer Hardware Troubleshooting

Facing problems with your PC? Your system does not turn on? Seeing the dead blue screen on your monitor? Do you want to learn how to troubleshoot your system hardware crisis without any help from the experts? Here are some methods to find out what is your computer problem is. Although these methods are not a comprehensive guide, but it would help you to find the difficulty.

1. After pressing the Power button, the computer was not turned on

First of all check the Power cord to see it is connected or not? Then if your PC cabinet has an extra power key on its backside, check it is on or not? Make sure of the correct connection of power supply to the motherboard. If still using Floppy drive, test its power cable. If none of these methods work, then remove anything that connected to the motherboard, except the Power cord, CPU, Graphic card, RAM and Power button’s wire. If the system does not turn on again, one or maybe more of your system components are damaged and most likely problem is your Motherboard or Power supply.

2. The system turned on but does not beep or booting the operating system

Check all connections and try again. If it was not effective, it is better to check everything like step one, disconnect all cards and components except the Power button’s wire, Graphic card, RAM and CPU from the Motherboard and test the PC again.

If the computer started working, turn it off and every time attached a piece to the PC (the ones you disconnected before) and turn the PC on for a second time till you find the problem.

But if the system was not working, it may have one or more defective parts like CPU, RAM, Motherboard and Power supply.

3. The computer turns on and comes up but beeps alternatively

Check the RAM (main memory) installed correctly or removes it from its slot and attach it again.

4. The system turns on, but the operating system does not boot and computer beeps alternatively

See the Graphic card (AGP) is properly seated in the AGP slot or not? If it is moved or disconnected a little from the slot then the PC will not start up.

Note: There are several other problems that are related to the system beep, but the two above problems (number 3 and 4) are the most common cases.

5. Your computer stops working during the installation of OS

It can be caused by CPU heat, especially for AMD CPUs or older models of INTEL CPUs. Check the CPU’s fan works well and also see if the Heat sink (the aluminum piece that is mounted under the CPU and is usually black) is well fitted and it is parallel with the CPU surface. Make sure you are using the heat sink that provided by your CPU company.

6. Facing many problems in your operating system and seeing the blue screen every time

These errors arise, especially when you are copying Setup files in Windows 2000 or XP and most likely are a sign of RAM problem. The other possibility also exists that the problem is your hard drive. If the errors are associated with the blue screens that show Page Fault, then certainly the problem is your RAM memory.

Note: For maintaining the software errors, the best practice is to use the Windows Event Viewer, Command prompt and Registry.