You must have heard about TCP/IP, but do you know what
that’s mean and how is work? In this article I intend to tell you about TCP/IP
and its role on Internet. First let me start with Internet definition and then
I’ll continue with TCP/IP.
What is the Internet?
Today Internet plays a very important part in our daily
life. Almost everyone uses the Internet to check his/her emails, read news, download
software, etc. daily. Internet is an interconnection of thousand of computer networks from all around the word. That is why it’s called Internet
(Interconnection and Network). When we connect a collection of computers
through a communication feed like wires, cables or even wireless to interchange
data and resources (hardware/software), then we have a Network. So the Internet is
the interconnected networks for exchanging information by using the same
protocol or rules. This protocol is called TCP/IP.
As I said the Internet is a collection of the interlinked
computer networks from all around the world. When you want to send or receive
data (for example sending an email, request for downloading a game and so on) through
the Internet, then it breaks your data into small pieces. These small pieces are
known as Packets. Packets are in certain size in bytes. The networks who handle
these packets are called Packet Switched Networks. When you send an email
by an email service provider like Yahoo mail, your email broken down into
packets and then send to its destination. Each packet contains the address of the target
(receiver) and as well as the sender. These addresses are the IP address. Every
computer has its unique IP address.
Which path the packet must follow to reach the destination
is decided by the Router. A Router is a computer or device with special software to
move data from one network to another. The main job of a router is to control
the Internet or network traffic. If you are using a broadband Internet
connection, then your connection probably has a small box to connect your PC to
the Internet. This small box is a router.
Split the data into packets, sending and receiving them by a
router and finally rejoining them together, known as Packet Switching. You
should know each packet can send individually and even pass different routers.
Circuit Switching is another term in communication industry.
Circuit Switching follows the same principles as Packet Switching. The only
difference is the packets in Circuit switching must reach the destination in
the same order in which they are sent. It used for telephone service that data must
transmit quickly.
How we ensure that the data are transmitted properly in
Packet switching between the computers, routers and servers? The answer is to
use a common set of rules or protocols. This common protocol for defining Packet
Switching on the Internet is TCP/IP or Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
What is TCP/IP?
There are a large number of computer on the Internet who sending
and receiving information and sharing resources together. Each one may use the same
operating system or have different OS. You use a desktop computer with Windows
7 operating system and another user uses a laptop with Linux operating system. Computers
have different hardware integration. As long as we all use the same protocol
(TCP/IP) we are able to interact with each other and the Internet. TCP/IP is
simply a set of rules that controls the exchange of data between computer
networks on the Internet. In other word it is a collection of protocols and
IPs. TCP/IP is the one that determines how the messages must send and how the receiving
computer responds to the certain messages. It was developed by the United States
Department of Defense and by Vincent Cerf and Bob Kahn in the 1970s.
The two main protocols of TCP/IP are TCP and IP. IP or
Internet Protocol is in charge of transferring packets from one Node to
another. Node refers to a connection point in a network. It can be a computer
or a device. TCP is responsible for correct delivery of data or packets. It can
detect errors or lost data and ensures that data delivered to the client
The message that has been sent from a computer, divided into
packets by TCP. It gives each packet a sequence number and keeps track of the individual
packet. IP appends the IP address of the
source and the destination computer to each unit. Every data unit or packets
may rout differently through the network. Some packets land at the destination
in a different order than they were sent. The TCP again identifies each packet
using their sequence numbers and reasembles them in their original order together
and passes as a single packet to their destination. So IP handles the transition
of the data and TCP make sure that there is no loss, duplication or damage of data.
TCP/IP contains of several protocols for communication
between networks or computers:
TCP or Transmission Control Protocol is used for
communication among applications.
IP or Internet Protocol is used for communication between computers.
UDP or User Datagram Protocol is used for simple
communication among applications.
ICMP or Internet Control Message Protocol is used for errors.
DHCP or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is used for
dynamic addressing.
I will tell you about IP Address and other protocols in
details in different articles later.