We all probably use Windows Task Manger in our daily work
with computer to get rid of Windows error. But what is the ability of Task
Manager? Task Manager gives us very useful information about programs and
processes running on the system and the resource consumed by these applications
and processes. This tool often used for troubleshooting the system and allows
us to stop the running programs. Today I’m
going to introduce you the different parts of the Windows Task Manager.
Two methods are used to implement the task manager:
1. Right click on any empty part of the Task Bar and select
Task Manager from the popup menu.
2. Pressing
Ctrl+Shift+Del or Ctrl+Shift+Esc (hold the Shift and Ctrl first, and then press
In all Windows versions should be at least three tabs from
the Task Manager displayed. These are Applications, Processes and Performance.
Applications tab shows running program after logging to the
Windows. In many situations in which your program is in trouble and is not capable
to respond to your commands, this tab enables you to select the program and
pressing End Task to stop it.
In the Processes tab you can see all the running processes
with details about User, CPU and Memory consumption. It has the ability to show
you other values that can be adjusted from the View menu. Maybe it happened for
you that after installing a program or new drivers, noticed that the speed of
the system has declined substantially. First thing should be done is to
identify the problem, go to this section and ensure that no process other than
the System Idle process is constantly higher than 80%. If you encounter a
problem with a particular process, you must terminate it and make sure after
the reboot the process is not re-run.
Performance tab shows the system changes in schematic form
of resources such as CPU and Memory. For using the information provided in this
tab, you need to know some definitions:
CPU Usage: Percentage of the Processor activity time (if it
is remaining more than 80% of this value, indicates weak hardware or software
problem and we need further research to discover the source of the problem). A high
percentage means that the programs or processes that are running require a lot
of CPU resources, which can slow your computer.
CPU Usage History: A graphical view of the Processor activity
both at the moment and for the past few minutes. For more information about CPU
utilization, at the bottom of the performance tab, click Resource Monitor.
PF Usage: Displays Page File usage and the amount of virtual
memory to disk and if its amount is high, then it is better to give more space
devoted to it. The paging file is space on your hard disk that Windows uses in
addition to RAM.
PF Usage History: It is a graph that shows the changes in
Page File consumption and many changes in this graph represent a weakness or
problem in a part of system.
Commit Charge: Displays the amount of memory allocated to
applications and operating system.
In Performance tab you can see three tables Physical Memory
(MB), Kernel Memory (MB) and System.
Physical Memory (in MB): It is the amount of physical memory
(RAM) installed on the system. Under this table you can find Total, Cached, Available
and Free. Total is the amount of RAM installed on your computer (in megabytes).
Cached refers to the amount of physical memory used recently for system
resources. Available is the amount of memory that’s immediately available for
use by processes, drivers or the operating system. Free is the amount of memory
that is currently unused or doesn’t contain useful information (unlike cached
files, which do contain useful information).
Kernel Memory: Shows the amount of memory allocated to the
operating system kernel and drivers. Under Kernel Memory, Paged refers to the
amount of virtual memory being used by the core part of Windows (called
Kernel). Non-paged is the amount of RAM memory used by the Kernel.
The System table includes five fields:
Handles. Number of unique objects identifiers in use by
processes. This value is mostly of interest to IT professionals and
Threads. Number of objects or processes running within larger
processes or programs. This value is mostly of interest to IT professionals and
Processes. Number of individual processes running on the computer
(you can also view this information on the Processes tab).
Up Time. Amount of time that has passed since the computer has
been restarted.
Commit (MB). A description of virtual memory use (also known as paging
file use). The paging file is space on your hard disk that Windows uses in addition to RAM. The first number
is the amount of RAM and virtual memory currently in use, and the second number
is the amount of RAM and virtual memory available on your computer.