21 February 2013

Change Any User Password at Windows Log in Screen

If you want to open any Windows user account and you don’t know the user’s password, you can use the Command Prompt to create a new password and enter the account. You can do this before you enter the Windows login by bypassing Login Screen. As we are going to use CMD for this trick, you are even able to create new user accounts, modify existing user accounts or execute other programs all in the Windows Lock or Login page. The first thing we need to do is to open the Windows Command Prompt at the Login page. To do this, follow these steps:

Step 1

Run Command Prompt or CMD as administrator and enter the exact command below:

Step 2

Hit the Enter Key and wait till the operation completed successfully.

Step 3

Now Log off the Windows to enter the Windows Log in screen or page. To open the Command Prompt, press the Shift key 5 times.

Step 4

To change an existing user account password, type the command below:

Instead of [user_name], write the user name you want to change its password and instead of [new_password], enter your desired password. For example if I want to change the win7 user password, my command would be like this:

net user win7 123456 

Step 5

To create a new user account, use the command below:

Again instead of [user_name] and [new_password], write your desired user name and password. For example if I want to add a new user account "CSArchiveNet", I will type:

net user CSArchiveNet 123456 /add

That's it, log in to the Windows with the new created password or user account to see the result.