24 September 2013

DriverView Lists All Device Drivers in Windows

The majority of the Windows users for viewing device drivers on their system use the Device Manger. As you may already know, you can access this utility tool from the Windows Control Panel. You can use the Device Manager to determine functionality of your system hardware components, change hardware configuration settings, update a device driver, enable, disable, and uninstall devices. It other words Device Manger helps you to check status of your hardware and updates drives on your local machine. 

DriverView utility is a small free application by NirSoft that displays the list of all device drivers currently loaded on your system. This program is a very handy application that not only lists all the drivers but also provides you more additional information such as version, load address, description, product name and many more. DriverView does not require any installation and you can run the application just by executing the driveview.exe file. What you get when you run the program is a list of all loaded drives in a column wise view. You have the ability to select one or more drivers from the list, copy the details to the clipboard and save them as text or HTML file. To view HTML report on your system web browser, go to View option and then select "HTML Report – All Items" or "HTML Report – Selected Items". Double click on any driver to get full detailed information (Properties) in a new window (this option is also available under the File menu). To save any driver information, go to the File>Save Selected Items and store it as a text file on your system.

DriverView also includes some command Line option that can be used with the Windows Command Prompt, for example: 

Driverview.exe /stext [file name.txt]

Creates a list of all the drivers on your system as a text file. For a complete list of all commands, visit the NirSoft website

To download the DriverView you can follow the links below:

DriverView v1.45 (43.8 KB)

Or download from the NirSoft official website.